mel miller
equine art
Cast resin horns are available in a wide variety of beautiful colors and effects, and are more durable than 3D printed horns. They should still be handled with the same care you would give any long, skinny cast piece.
These horns have square posts to help mount them to heads. The demo size sample photos below do have this extra bit sticking the horns out further from the heads than they will be when permanently attached, so keep that in mind when looking for the size you want. If you want a magnetized/removable horn, you can sand this post off and mount a magnet inside the base of the horn as usual. Uldrik horns have a cylindrical mount rather than a square one.
There is some variance in length if the square mount didn't fully fill, or a tip didn't fully cast. Any tips that do not fully cast are hand shaped back to a point and can be identified by their less pointy tips. If none of the horn sizes seem right for your project, get one size up - you can cut the horn down at the base for any length you like! The micro horn size sample photos show what this would look like.
Some of the horns that are cast from a straight mold wind up bending as they cure. I do not recommend trying to straighten these out - instead, embrace their quirk and use them as slightly curved horns! Individual photos are available of every horn so you can see if the size/shape/color combo you want has this curve or not.
If you like the shape but don't see a color you can use, any of these horns can be prepped like regular resin and painted over, either partially or as complete repaints.